Wednesday 15 March 2017

Graphic Novel/Storyboard

Design Rationale

The project I did was a biopic graphic narrative on Simo Hayha, also know as the “White Death”. Simo was a Finnish soldier who fought in the Winter war against the Soviet Union. The purpose of my graphic narrative is to tell the story of his service in the winter war and his legacy at sniping. In my narrative I decided to draw the Soviet soldiers differently from how I drew Simo. The Soviets were more realistic and had no faces whereas Simo was more cartoon style in design. My reasoning for this is because the narrative was not about the soviets but about Simo and Simo is the hero of the story, so The design for Simo was more comic looking. Throughout the comic I decided to use darker tones and use kind of sketchy colouring to show that the comic takes place in a time of war, There are no bright skies or vibrant colours. Each of the panels I added a filter imitate the look of old comic printed using the Ben-Day dot printing process leaving little dots all over the images to give the feel that you are reading an actual comic book. Also the cover page has the comic issue number in the top right corner to add the that as well. The only character who’s face is shown is Simo to continue the point that.

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